Response to “Bernie Sanders to propose “war tax” amendment to GOP budget”

By A.  Shaw
“Instead of being honest and upfront about their goals, the Republicans have used a number of budgetary gimmicks to cover-up the devastating impact that their budget will have on the lives of ordinary Americans,” Sanders said in a Sunday statement. “I find it particularly offensive that Republicans, who are demanding massive cuts in Medicaid, education, nutrition and health care in order to move toward a balanced budget, have no problem adding $38 billion to the deficit through the off-budget Overseas Contingency Operations fund. That is hypocrisy pure and simple,” 
US reactionaries, about a third of the US electorate and people, have lied so much and so long that most of them are no longer capable of honesty and upfront conduct about their goals or about anything else.
In bourgeois jargon, reactionaries are usually called “conservatives.” About 95% of GOP and about 25% of the DP are reactionaries.
US reactionaries are wildly imperialistic. So, we, the two-thirds of USA people who are good or at least cool, used to think of our reactionaries as people who suffer from a longing to produce  “devastating impacts” on foreigners, not on US citizens. Today, US reactionaries enjoy causing  “devastating impacts” on us – two-thirds of the US people – as much as on foreigners.
An alliance of GOP and DP reactionaries, representing a mere third of the USA, are preparing a budget that will shock and awe the majority of the US people. The proposed cuts in the budget will devastate the mass of the US people. The budget cuts in education are designed to deny access to college to large sectors and strata of the middle class. The budget cuts in education are also designed to deny access to high tech job training to large sectors and strata of the working class, unemployed, and poor.
The slimy US reactionaries want to reduce and, in some cases, deny indigent school kids a lunch at school because  US reactionaries believe “There is no such thing as a free lunch” and “Nobody is entitled to anything.”
But the GOP budget will provide the rich and big companies, especially entities in the military-industrial complex, with free lunches, breakfast, and dinners through tax cuts, larger tax deductions for wider array of expenses, lavish subsidies, and massive cost overruns on government contracts.
Corrupt reactionaries are preparing to loot the US regime and people of trillions of dollars.
Two principles underlie the proposed GOP budget:
(1) Take from the poor and give to the rich and
Liberals and moderates, two-thirds of US people, are often ineffective in the struggle against ultra-aggressive reactionaries, one-third of the people, because liberals and moderates can’t digest the idea that one-third of the blessed USA consists of raving lunatics and the ultimate in perversity.
As reactionaries grab more and more state power, their public stance becomes “Reactionary, now is the time to expose thyself.”

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