By A. Shaw
It seems that all sectors of the Venezuelan electorate and people — revolutionaries, liberals, independents, centrists, and reactionaries – detest Obama’s decree.
Even opposition members in the National Assembly signed a petition opposing Obama’s decree.
The imperialist regime in Washington and bourgeois press in the USA [the latter better known as the “lying cappie press”] seem stunned so far by tweet results.
Venezuelan government gets 2 million tweets in support on this issue. The number of tweets gotten by the US imperialist regime on this issue is so small that nobody can find it.
To many US citizens — e.g., reactionaries, independents, and liberals — reality is anything the bourgeois media reports prominently and continuously.
We know that the bourgeois media – or, better still, the lying cappie press – will not  prominently and continuously report that Twitters overwhelming oppose the imperialist executive order.
So, to many US citizens the idea that most people in the world support Venezuela, not the USA, on this issue, will seem not real.
The mass of the US people and the US electorate is rapidly coming to the terrifying realization that about a third of the US people, the powerful and ultra-aggressive reactionaries, are morally and politically rotten to the core.
US reactionaries today are the personification of inhumanity. US reactionaries are the return of the Nazis of the 20th century and the confederate traitors of the 19th century.
This reactionary trash intimidates and humiliates some patriotic US citizens into silence.

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