Response to “Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Won’t Stand Up To Billionaires On Income Inequality”

By A. Shaw
“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is questioning whether Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is ‘prepared to take on the billionaire class in her 2016 bid for the White House, “  The Huffington Post  reports, rushing to rescue Clinton’s campaign from early mistakes.
Bernie is virtually the only one questioning because almost everybody else knows that Clinton is neither “prepared” nor inclined to take on the billionaire class.
There isn’t even a possibility of Clinton “taking on” the billionaire class. Throughout her whole life, Clinton misconstrues working with billionaires within the system as working with abject servility for them.
“The country belongs to all of us and not just the billionaire class,”  Bernie said.
But the part of the country that belongs to workers and the middle class is so tiny, they can’t see it, touch it, or even conceive it. To the billionaire class, workers and the middle class don’t belong to either “us” or even “all of us.”
” And in her [Clinton’s] first campaign event criticized the high paychecks of top business executives,” The Huffington Post reports, trying to make out Clinton as an opponent of income inequality.
Contributions from “top business executives” are the financial basis of the Clinton campaign. Lavish donations from “top business executives” explain why Clinton is No. 1 in fundraising. These gifts from “top business executives” paid for her first campaign event at which she pretended to criticize
the high paychecks which top business executives generously share with her campaign.
“The message I have has a lot of support,” Sanders said. “It’s going to be a gut decision.”
Using the power and collusion of the reactionary and conservative state in D.C., the billionaire class steals income from hundreds of millions of people in the working and middle classes who create all value.
Yes, the message … has a lot of support, And, the support grows.
Yes, the decision will indeed take a lot of guts.

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