Response to “Bernie Sanders Slams Netanyahu’s Warmongering Speech to Congress”

By A. Shaw
Naturally, we can’t expect even a just man like Bernie Sanders to be evenhanded on the struggle between Israel and the Palestinians or the Arabs or Muslims.
After all, Sanders is a US citizen, a Jew, and something of a Zionist.
Sanders however differs from many US citizens, Jews, and Zionists, because he can still distinguish between Israeli patriotism and Israeli national chauvinism and between US patriotism and US chauvinism.
With many US citizens, patriotism is national chauvinism and vice versa, and consequently, they are possessed by an irresistible urge to wreak another holocaust on Arabs and Muslims under this or that pretext or this or that big lie.
Sanders and Obama told the Israeli prime minister that his current pretext or his big lie about Iran is not good enough for starting a war.
The Israeli prime minister is enraged that he suddenly cannot impose his will on the powerful bourgeois regime in Washington and on the US people, like he has done many times in the past.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were the only presumptive candidates for the presidential nomination from either the DP or GOP who stood up for US patriotism and dignity.
Most of members of Congress groveled like dogs as they were lectured by the arrogant Israeli visitor.

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