Response to “Hillary Clinton Not Ready to Confront ‘Billionaire Class,’ Bernie Sanders Says”

By A. Shaw
“Hillary Clinton isn’t ready to confront the nation’s billionaires to address rising income inequality,” said Senator Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent deciding whether to challenge her for president in 2016.
Clinton doesn’t confront the billionaire class, she happily conspires and collaborates with billionaires.
“It’s not what she says, it’s what she does,” Sanders said
Clinton neither does nor says.
“On Tuesday, Clinton criticized executive pay and tax rates for hedge-fund managers during a stop in Iowa,” Bloomberg reported.
Also on Tuesday, while she criticizes executives and hedge-fund managers, she solicits huge campaign contributions from them.
“Hillary Clinton isn’t ready … to address rising income inequality,” said Senator Bernie Sanders.
Clinton’s idea of income inequality is the immense difference in income between billionaires and millionaires. Clinton belongs to the struggling millionaire stratum of the bourgeoisie.

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